The Timeline of ( HTML )


The Timeline of ( HTML )

1-      1991 :- Tim Berners Lee invent HTML.

2-      1993 :- Tim Berners Lee released HTML version 1.

3-      1995 :- HTML version 2 is published. This version contains features of HTML version 1 and more new features.

4-      1997 :- released new HTML version ( HTML version 3 ). Dave Ragget introduced a fresh draft on        html, which improved new features of HTML and gave more powerful characteristics for                       webmaster in designing websites. Unfortunately the powerful features slowed down the browser.

5-      1999 :- The widely used HTML version 4 comes out. It’s very successful.

6-      2012 :- HTML version 4.10 is released.

7-     7- 2014 :- HTML version 5 is released and used worldwide. It’s said to be the extended version HTML version 4.01 which was published in 2012.
