


Favicon is an icon associated with the website, That appears in the top bar of the browser inside the icon for each open site on the browser. It is placed as a reminder to the user of the site

How can add Favicon to my website?

1- create your icon on your site.

2- add the Favicon link at the head of your site.

    real        ==>  Icon
    hreaf      ==> Image Name
    type       ==> File type        ==> image/jpg  OR  image/jpeg  OR image/png  OR  image/gif    

Add this code 

<link rel="icon" href="images-44 copy.jpg" type="image/jpg">

on header.

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channel link :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1DFWpD1k1PtxIzYbdBAj6g 

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Signature :- Ayoub Shindi (Dev AAS).
