HTML5 Attributes

 HTML Attributes 

1- href attributes.

    *Creating hyperlinks to other internet pages or to parts of the same page.

     <a href="">Visit            HTML5 head tag</a>

2- src attributes.

     *Tag used to embed an image in an HTML page. 

    <img src="ImgName.ImageType"> 

    *You can upload image from your device or from internet using links.

    *You can control pixels for images using (width, height)


             <img src="img1.jpg" width="100" height="100">

     *You can Display an alternate text for the image in the event of a failure in loading the image using (alt)


              <img src="img1.jpg" alt="img number 1"> 

3- lang attributes.

              <!DOCTYPE HTML>

              <html lang="en">

             <head> .... <\head>

             <body> .....</body>


    *Language code example:- (ar => arabic , zh => chinese, nl => dutch , fr => french , de =>                     german, hi => hindi, ja => Japanese, it => Italian).

 4- title attributes.

    *When you rest the mouse over the text, the text inside a title appears in an upper window.

     <p title="paragraph num 1">..........<\p>

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Signature :- Ayoub Shindi (Dev AAS).
